
byDawn Casey-Rowe

Resource Details

  • 在认可的高中或家庭学习计划中,必须促进参加H&R Block预算挑战的参与。教育工作者可以参观hrbds.orgto register their classrooms. Class creation closes one week prior to the simulation start date and for this round the deadline to create your class is1月7日, with rolling class creations through2月4日。
  • 预算挑战对14岁或以上的学生开放,全职参加了九年级至12年级的学生,他们已经注册了他们。学生可以每学期(秋季和春季)进行一次模拟,但他们只有资格进行首次尝试。家庭学校的学生每学年可能会玩一个模拟。

Why We Need Financial Literacy Resources For Teachers


“您上一所昂贵的学校,推迟债务,去研究生院,申请宽容,兴趣不断上升……”我解释了直接从金融素养101 Playbook中加剧兴趣的概念。

我们读了一个《纽约时报》最近的文章where a teacher accrued nearly a half-million in student loan debt. This is serious. Bankruptcy is not an option with student loans. These loans follow a person forever–taxes refunds can be confiscated, wages garnished. The woman in the article would have to pay $2700/month for the next 30 years to dig out of this debt, a true tragedy.


这个女人是一位聪明,受过教育的女人,她超额借来了,就像全国一样。这说明了我的观点 -any one of us can fall into this trap.Even me. I’m in my fourth decade in life. I’ve made all the makes and I knew better.这就是为什么我教财务素养。Financial literacy is a critical component of success in life, yet often it’s not in the curriculum.

“Miss, why is this the first time we’re hearing about this?” my seniors asked last year. I was teaching a Consumer Economics class I unofficially subtitled “How I Got My Butt Kicked So You Don’t Have To.” In addition to teaching the traditional financial literacy cannon–loans, debt, interest rates, taxes, savings, good purchasing habits, I taught a hefty dose of entrepreneurship.

It’s not the outrageous financial situations that bury us–it’s the temptation to press forward a little too much ignoring the red flags. We have the illusion we’ll be able to fix things later on. Adults do this–that’s why it’s critical to teach kids young and continue to practice good habits ourselves.

I’ve overextended a hundred times in my past. I’ve given gifts I couldn’t afford using credit cards–completely justifiable. I’ve charged up thousands of dollars in credit card debt filling my classroom with the basics school didn’t supply–again, seems logical. Only a small fraction of this is tax deductible, unlike when I am consulting and I can write off the kitchen sink.

我在房屋中使用了股权来保存和引导业务。这是前十名“不要做!”的顶级条目之一。清单 - 但我做到了。我从第一个职业生涯中兑现了401k,以偿还大学债务。这也是一个巨大的禁忌。


I’m older and wiser now, but I wish some of these lessons had sunk in earlier, so I tell honest stories to students. Those stories matter. They give students a glimpse of what real people deal with in the adult and business worlds.My students don’t know about risk assessment, being properly insured, how to compare savings and lending institutions, and how to use an ATM card, the hidden charges in buying or renting a primary residence.


我说:“你有一个真正的生意。”他抱怨不好的员工,并说由于汽油价格昂贵,他将要出售他的三艘船之一。那个孩子是今天成功的商人。从来没有太年轻,无法从财务成功开始 - 凯德(Kids)拥有他们的激情和互联网触手可及的力量。借助一些指导和金融素养的精致,他们甚至可以在毕业之前赚钱。

一些金融素养的话题似乎太明显了,不得不教书,但根据我的经验,但事实并非如此。财务素养的基础知识(以及更为复杂的元素)永远不会太年轻。一课让学生和成年人都感到惊讶 - 是我的课程“如何拨款会损失您的钱”。


我知道,这似乎是违反直觉的,但这是一个经验丰富的成年人陷入了过度订购或面对不必要的销售时购买不必要的东西的陷阱。在考虑到跑动以进行销售的机会成本时,意识到一半的“几乎免费”一开始就不会出现在列表中 - 这是巨大的净亏损。我做到了。

我已经填满了我不使用的产品袋,觉得胜利,然后将它们捐赠给慈善机构。直到我看我的时间的价值之前,这似乎很容易。如果我只是写了这笔钱的支票,我会走出去 - 这是可以扣除的。


我什至还没有达到保险的概念 - 这也是成年人的残废。根据埃里克·约翰逊(Eric Johnson)教授的这一令人震惊的《纽约时报》功能的研究为什么消费者经常选择选择健康计划,只有21%的美国人可以有效地选择最佳的保险价值,因为一套可以选择的计划和假设的医疗费用。



Many of today’s grandparents had one job with a pension. My parents’ generation had a few jobs with a pension. My generation tends to have three to four careers. Experts say my students will have to piece together skills leading to as many as seven职业. Many will be entrepreneurs, freelancers, and trendsetters. That’s an additional set of financial literacy requirements right there.

当您现在可能赚很多钱但几个月干燥时,您如何预算您的钱?您如何为创业公司提供资金?您如何以最低的成本设计,构建和发布产品?如何以零启动成本赚钱?这些是当今学生的问题,远远超出了我们通常的话题 - 许多人可能会遇到。

美国拼命需要将金融素养作为核心课程。Until we do, however, some companies like H&R Block are trying to address this deficit.


由于50%的高中生缺乏基本的金融知识水平,因此,H&R Block与几个国家组织合作,包括DECA(包括卓越教授高中企业家精神),以设计Dollars and Senseprogram, which includes anextremely informative blog,classroom resources.

他们还创造了所有可能是最有趣的资源,The H&R Block Budget Challenge, where classrooms can sign up for an online budgeting simulation that replicates the budget challenges of real life–bill paying, expenses, and responsible fiscal management. Top performing students in each segment can win $20,000 to $100,000 in college scholarships. Teachers can sign up classes to take part in these challenges, but even if you’re in a situation where that’s not possible, the resources on this site will help you start that conversation with teens and young adults.


This is a sponsored post on behalf of We Are Teachers and H&R Block. They wanted us to write about financial literacy and let you know about the challenge. The rest are our own ideas and recommendations.

Why We Need Financial Literacy Resources For Teachers